Over the past 25 years, Tom’s entrepreneurial vision has driven innovations in the way water treatment and water filtration. He’s worked with Federal, State and International water quality codes as well as humanitarian programs. His research and interests have been focused towards the development of long term solutions for point of use water treatment as well as that of best methods for filtering water based on proven science, and testing.
Tom’s research and (Patented) Mineral Ion Technology, is cutting edge for water
Treatment. Tom has also been involved with prolonging the use and life span of Electro-positive Adsorption (EPA) Nanofiber Water Filtratering Technology that was co-developed by NASA for use on the International Space Station. Tom’s Company, Water Pure Technologies, Inc., is a Space Foundation Technology Certified Partner and products manufacturer.
Tom is an in the field and boots to the ground type person who’s been directly and indirectly involved with humanitarian groups and water projects for over two decades, his involvement, development and manufacturing of new, groundbreaking technologies are helping to bring filtered water and sanitation to those in need.
Tom is an advocate of filtered water for all, he's an educator and advisor to several Humanitarian groups and often times you can find him teaching water preparedness shows across the country.