Water Filtration Stories

We Sincerely Appreciate our Customer Feedback! 

Here are some great stories we thought you might enjoy reading:


Whole House Water Filtration Systems

"Hi Craig (Water Pure Technologies),

Thank you for your assistance with our recent purchase of our whole house filter system.  We were excited to get it in and wanted to give you our status as of today. 

We live in the desert of Las Vegas, Nevada where water is scarce and very hard and therefore excited to find a whole house filtering system that would meet our needs.   Before our installation the only water filtration system we were using was the in-the-door faucet stock in our Samsung refrigerator.  Although our house was plumbed for a soft water conditioner we didn’t want to purchase a salt water conditioner and had been researching options when we found you. 

For our edification I purchased a complete water analysis kit from Home Depot called H2O OK Plus made by LabTech to pre-test our water.  The test kit does 23 water quality tests and can take up to 48 hours for the tests to complete. Since we were only drinking water from our refrigerator we collected our sample water from it.  Hindsight I wish we would have tested from the kitchen faucet!  We ran the tests and recorded the results. Some of the results were scary!


   I went to the both of the local big box hardware stores and learned first, if they did have the needed one inch copper piping it came labeled with a “lead” warning!  So off I went to a local full service plumbing store where I purchased “lead-free” copper elbows, extensions and stainless steel flex pipe. 

After securely mounting the whole house unit I turned off the water main.  I opened the kitchen and downstairs bathroom faucets and relieved the pressure. I finished installing the copper elbows, extensions and stainless steel flex pipe being sure to use lots of white Teflon tape.  I turned the main water supply back on and after a few pipeline burps we were in business.

Two days later Vickie, who as always had issues with her hair being lifeless and dull, showed me her beautiful hair after shampooing normally. We continue to notice improvements in our skin, clothes and dishes.  It’s also nice that I don’t have to go downstairs in the middle of the night to get filtered water just the closest bathroom. 

We will wait and few more weeks before running our second water analysis but at this point we already know the answer.

Wishing you the best.

Kevin Cloney, Chief Pilot

Follow-up note: The system is working flawlessly.  Many guests have asked about it and some are thinking of ordering after their soft water contract expires."


"When considering whole house water filtration systems, my goal was to remove toxins from my tap water and to deal with hard water and mineral deposits in our appliances and fixtures. 

I did extensive research prior to selecting Water Pure Technologies’s Whole House Unit to filter the water in my home. Tom of Water Pure Technologies went above and beyond the call of duty to answer my questions and provide me with the information I needed to make a decision. After reviewing multiple whole house water filtration systems, I am convinced that the Water Pure Technologies Whole House Unit is the best system you can buy to filter the water in your home. I now trust that the water coming out of my faucets does not contain harmful particulates. 

I paired the Water Pure Technologies Whole House Unit with the Clearwave CW-125 Salt Free Electronic Water Conditioner to counteract the effects of hard water. Both systems have been installed for two months and I have noticed a significant increase in the quality of our tap water. My hair is no longer weighed down by chlorine and other contaminants after a shower and my water boiler, which I use on a daily basis, has not built up any mineral deposits that need to be descaled since the systems were installed in November 2016.

The only regret you will have about investing in the Water Pure Technologies Whole House Unit is that you’ll wish you had done so sooner!

- Meredith S. Home Owner, Rochester, NY"


Survivor Hand Operated Water Filter

Dear Craig & Tom,

My wife and I went to the Barebones Campout at Tifie ranch July 25th to July 30 in the heat of the summer.  We were invited to take our water filters along with us to test their capability.

The camp was set up into smaller groups and we had about 30 people in our group.  In that kind of heat, you can go through a lot of water and as a backup we brought four 5 gallons of water from home as well as several five-gallon buckets to retrieve water from the river to filter it.  There were numerous kinds of filters used in our group but with gravity flow filtration, none of them could supply the volume of requirements needed for cooking, bathing, showering and washing dishes.  The water we brought quickly got warm and it was not cool like we like to drink.  

The Survivor system provided the needs for our entire group of thirty.  We heard from others that their filters were quickly plugged from the debris in the river and they had to rely on a spring many miles away to meet the volume of their needs.

In our camp, I was able to bring water from the river in five-gallon buckets, filter it in our camp kitchen and serve it cold from a cooler.  The Survivor easily met the needs of our group, however not everyone used filtered water for bathing, but my wife and I did and enjoyed debris free showers.

Being able to pump the water through the filter on a demand basis, was wonderful.  The flavor of the river water after filtering it was as good as the water we carried from home.  I  really enjoyed using the survivor and at least 6-8 in our group have purchased them based on that experience.  

Thanks for a wonderful dependable product." 

Dennis Cheney